"There is no amount of pretty in the world that can cover a venomous heart."

Ah, the irony! Rhonda Huntress said that, and she also said:

http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/327/85/252954/3653.html (The quote in Rio's post, sixth post down.)

http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/327/85/252954/3828.html (Top post.)

Monday, 16 May 2011

Strange Bedfellows

Here is the complete list of "Intelligent People", ie current followers of MP's blog.

Cyanilla Latte, Myshelle, Stephen Eli Harris, Mondy, Argus Collingwood, Theia Magic, Lias and David 521598.


  1. Shit...I didn't make the list :(

  2. I opted to be a follower and MP deleted.
    But then again I never said I was intelligent.

  3. I rest my case....

  4. Is this an issue? I also follow Cait and you.

  5. Of course not Argus! The fact that you are on Miss Piggy's acceptable list is what makes it strange. I might otherwise have been explicitly critical, although I suppose that would not have been fair on those Followers I do not know.

  6. @TC: She probably thought that you were a stalker. /me laughs
    Consider it high praise if she fears you and removes you. I mean, it is not like you cannot SEE HER FLOG anyway!

    @Pep: I am guessing that the ones you (and I) do not know are pets required to 'follow'.

  7. I nearly was a follower, just to piss her off (like I do to you!) and also find out when my meetings of Thugs were scheduled since our internal memo circulation sucks! I figured she'd delete me though. And upon second thought, it was "meh".

  8. TC is a stalker: the paparazzo of faux celebrity which 'entitles' me full rights to stalk the faux queen.

  9. Anyone adding Lias to an "intelligence" list is highly suspect...

  10. This is the same Lias who professes to have NO knowledge of who or what Suspiria/MP is?

    Un huh.

  11. hmmm...looks like she removed all the intelligent people.

  12. The same eight as I named are still there today.

  13. I looked this morning and the box was completely empty...the page had fully loaded. Strange, maybe a glitch?

  14. PS...strange, it's still not showing anything in the box for me. I've tried both following your link and going in afresh..nothing :(

  15. Griffin, no, not using a proxy...they showed up fine yesterday and then now, when I just looked they are there. Weird, wonder if something is going on with my browser or yikes, if I have a virus :(

  16. She now has herself listed as one of the intelligent people...I don't know, is that proper etiquette...following yourself?
